Ackra Invest invests in Mind Detonator

Ackra Invest AB is a regional investment company owned equally by Skellefteå Kraft and Region Västerbotten. Existing owners and Ackra Invest are now carrying out a larger share issue in the company Mind Detonator, which operates the gaming village in Jörn to continue its growth journey.

Ackra Invest invests in Mind Detonator

– Mind Detonator is a fantastic initiative where we see an opportunity to support new companies in rural areas to be part of a growth journey. We have been fascinated by the impressive growth of the gaming industry for some time and see enormous potential in what Mind Detonator does and what it adds to the region, says Håkan Pettersson, CEO of Ackra Invest.

Mind Detonator’s business idea is to identify talent and build the next generation of gaming companies far from the big cities. It’s a combination of local support, local investors, and international gaming companies working together to create the best conditions for game developers to succeed.

– Nationally, the gaming industry is growing rapidly, and the need for developers is enormous. However, it is very difficult for newly started gaming companies to find early financing and a context, and that is where we see that we can play an important role. The fact that new companies are also being formed and that young, driven people from all over Sweden are moving to Jörn feels incredibly satisfying, says Lars Lindblom, CEO of Mind Detonator.

In 2022, five new gaming companies started operations in Mind Detonator’s premises in Jörn, of which the first ones have already signed publishing agreements, and several other companies have promising dialogues with international publishers. As part of supporting game developers from start to finish, Mind Detonator has also made a significant investment in Umeå-based game studio Turborilla.

– Choosing to invest in us and our vision feels incredibly good. Ackra wants to help develop the whole of Västerbotten, and we already see many synergies where we will strengthen each other, says Johan Linder, Chairman of the Board of Mind Detonator.

About Ackra Invest

Ackra Invest is an investment company that primarily invests in mature companies in Västerbotten. Behind Ackra are Skellefteå Kraft and Region Västerbotten, two strong players who care about well-being, development, and growth in the region.


About Mind Detonator

Mind Detonator is a gaming catalyst operating outside the larger cities. It is an initiative to complement the gaming industry and broaden it while showing the opportunities in smaller towns where there are good chances for a good life with high quality of life and low costs, which allows for focused game production with high quality.


XR: pushing the boundaries of technology in industrial training

12 June 2024

As part of the BSG Go! project, Arctic Game, in collaboration with Northvolt, Autotech, Windswept Interactive and Arctic Center of Energy organized a visit to the Helsinki XR Center. The aim was to provide an opportunity to learn more about XR (Extended Reality), draw inspiration from XR solutions and test various XR-gear.

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