Local game educations attracts students from across the country

04 April 2024

The range of game education programs in northern Sweden is extensive and continues to grow. Soon, there will also be an opportunity to study game development in Umeå. There is a great interest in games, and both local and national students are drawn to the region.

Game students swept the board at fair in Luleå

10 March 2024

The UF company SCP Foundation Simulator UF, run by Max Hjertberg, Isak Dalberg, and Leo Stoltz, made a clean sweep at the UF fair in Luleå, clinching prizes in three categories. The trio, who are third-year students in the GameDev Program at Björknäs High School in Boden, also run the indie studio Miracle Bread.

Arctic game levels up and offers Masterclasses

21 February 2024

The Arctic Game Masterclasses is a new initiative designed to facilitate knowledge sharing within the game cluster. With carefully selected international experts to provide relevant and inspiring knowledge that can be applied in everyday work.

Female Meetup continues to attract a large audience

08 January 2024

The event provides a safe platform for all underrepresented groups in the industry, where participants have the opportunity to voice their opinions and discuss both successes and challenges within the games industry.

Arctic Game Dev Umeå – a resounding success!

30 November 2023

This event would not have been possible without the unwavering support and dedication of our incredible partners, speakers, sponsors, pitching studios, volunteers and financiers.

Well-attended Game Studio Lunch hosted by Arctic Game

06 October 2023

For the second time, a Game Studio Lunch was organized for game developers in Skellefteå. A relaxed and welcoming concept where game studios meet, have lunch, and discuss challenges and successes in the industry. 

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